Principal Agent Problem

Season 6, Episode 6: In this clip, Daenerys flies in on her dragon and asks her soldiers to be her loyal “blood riders.” This is similar to how nations in the past have overcome the ‘principal-agent problem.’ The principal-agent problem asserts that there is some conflict in priorities between the ‘principal’ and the ‘agent,’ who …


Season 7, Episode 4: Tyrion and Daenerys are discussing strategies and Tyrion recommends a complete restriction on King’s Landing ability to trade. Most government decisions to restrict free trade make society worse off, however one key argument for trade restrictions is when it can impact national security, which is the grounds on which Tyrion is …

Tyiron and Bronn Discuss Licensing

Season 3, Episode 1: Bronn and Tyrion are discussing how much Bronn should be paid to continue defending Tyrion. Bronn claims he is worth more on the market because he’s been knighted. He likely isn’t more productive but this credential has value, in part because the opportunity cost of his time is likely higher.