Creative Destruction

Season 7 Episode 4: When there is creative destruction – i.e., new industries are formed and help make old jobs and industries obsolete, it can be chaotic. Bran tells Little Finger in this clip that “chaos is a ladder”, which is certainly true for career opportunities for those who enter into organizations and markets when …

Recallable Bonds

Season 7 Episode 4: Cersei invades Highgarden, coming into possession of much gold and with it she pays off the kingdom’s debts to the Iron Bank of Bravos. The Iron Bank had become fond of the interest payments the kingdom’s debts were building up and by paying off the debt the interest payments ended. This …


Season 7, Episode 4: Tyrion and Daenerys are discussing strategies and Tyrion recommends a complete restriction on King’s Landing ability to trade. Most government decisions to restrict free trade make society worse off, however one key argument for trade restrictions is when it can impact national security, which is the grounds on which Tyrion is …