Doran’s Choice: The Cost of War Over Wealth

Season 5 Episode 9: Prince Doran Martell decides to ‘break bread’ with the Lannisters instead of waging war over past grievances. Ellaria Sand questions his decision, but Doran explains the cost of war. This is similar to the broken window fallacy. The broken window fallacy argues that spending money on infrastructure and goods that have …

Tyrion Understands Positive vs. Normative

Season 5 Episode 9: In this clip, Tyrion explains to Hizdahr zo Loraq why he doesn’t approve of the fighting pit. Hizdahr retorts: “What great thing has ever been accomplished without killing or cruelty?” Tyrion then informs Hizdahr of the error in reasoning he made. Tyrion is making a normative claim about the fighting pits. …

The Iron Bank and Ethics of Charging Interest

Season 5 Episode 9: Mace Tyrell and a representative from the Iron Bank are discussing the ethics of charging interest for loans. It is noted that high interest payments are seen by some as distasteful and there are threats of legal actions for higher interest payments. Throughout history, in fact, there are times where certain …

Arya Stark is Tipped

Season 5, Episode 9: Arya is an oyster saleswoman and for her good service receives the initial amount of money for the oyster plus a tip. Tipping is an economic phenomena that happens in many economies today and is seen as an incentive system for good service.