Lannister’s and The Resource Curse

Season 4 Episode 5: Tywin Lannister and Cersei Lannister discuss the Lannister’s depleted gold resource from the wars and the obstacles they face in paying back the Iron Bank of Braavos without being able to tap into this resource anymore. This relates to the problems many developing countries face called the resource curse or Dutch …

Night Watch Sorts Instead Of Using Markets

Season 1, Episode 7: The newest members of the Night’s Watch are assigned to particular roles. We can see Lord Snow is visibly upset by where he was sorted. Because this is not a market mechanism, where individuals choose their jobs based on pay, working conditions, etc. and employers choose their workers based on productivity, …

Tyrion’s Plan: Sanctions Against King’s Landing

Season 7, Episode 4: Tyrion and Daenerys are discussing strategies and Tyrion recommends a complete restriction on King’s Landing ability to trade. Most government decisions to restrict free trade make society worse off, however one key argument for trade restrictions is when it can impact national security, which is the grounds on which Tyrion is …

Arya Stark is Tipped

Season 5, Episode 9: Arya is an oyster saleswoman and for her good service receives the initial amount of money for the oyster plus a tip. Tipping is an economic phenomena that happens in many economies today and is seen as an incentive system for good service.

Tyiron and Bronn Discuss Licensing

Season 3, Episode 1: Bronn and Tyrion are discussing how much Bronn should be paid to continue defending Tyrion. Bronn claims he is worth more on the market because he’s been knighted. He likely isn’t more productive but this credential has value, in part because the opportunity cost of his time is likely higher. To …