Lord Frey has Bargaining Advantage in Game of Thrones

Season 1, Episode 9: The Starks want to safely cross water but need Lord Frey’s position. They are in a bad position and he is reluctant and in a good position. In bargaining, we’d say that the Stark’s Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) was low while Lord Frey’s was high. As bargaining theory …

Tywin’s Trap: Forcing Lady Tyrell’s Hand

Season 3 Episode 6: Tywin negotiates with Lady Tyrell to have her daughter marry Loras to Cersei. Lady Tyrell opposes, but then Tywin says he’d force Loras to join the Kings Guard if Lady Tyrell refused. Tywin decreased his Lady Tyrell’s Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA). When that happens, Lady Tyrell accepts the …